15 Ways to Increase Cannabis Yields Indoors-Part I

A lot of indoor cannabis growers struggle with yields. It’s fantastic to grow your own weed, but you must grow enough of it! Otherwise, growing may feel like a waste of time and effort.

Luckily, cannabis yields don’t have to be a mystery. There are specific factors that cause yields to be big or small, and nearly all of them are under your control. The following article contains a comprehensive list of what you can do (both before and after buds start forming) to increase yields.

There are a few ways to think about increasing cannabis yields indoors. Some growers want to maximize the yields for their grow space, and don’t care what it takes to increase yields overall. Other growers are looking at returns from more of an economic perspective, wanting to get the best yields for the electricity/cost, but maybe aren’t as concerned with how much space it takes. Lastly, there are many growers just looking to grow huge impressive buds and don’t care about maximizing anything else. This article is going to talk about all three. No matter what you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered.

Without further delay, it’s time to learn how to increase your yields!

Before Buds Start Forming

These are the actions you can take to prepare for a fruitful flowering stage.

1.) Choose High-Yielding Genetics

A lot of growers focus purely on their setup, nutrients, growing technique, and other aspects of their environment, yet don’t pay much attention to strain.

Your genetics actually have a tremendous effect on yields. If you grow two plants in the exact same conditions, chances are one will produce more bud than the other. Sometimes the yield differences between strains are enormous.

2.) Grow Correct Number of Plants

The number of plants can affect your total yield in two ways:

  • More Plants – Growing a lot of small plants lets you fill a grow space faster, resulting in more harvests in a year if everything else is the same. If you increase the number of harvests, you’ll produce more buds in the same amount of time. This idea is the basis of the Sea of Green method.
  • Fewer Plants – You can achieve the same yields with fewer plants by letting them get big enough to fill a space, but it takes longer in the vegetative stage for plants to get to the final size. Depending on how much extra time, this can push back harvest time and reduce the total number of harvests you can produce in your grow space. If you must limit the number of plants (many growers have legal plant limits), you can maximize yields with training techniques such as manifolding.

3.) Use The Right Pots

Choose the right container type and size for your setup.

  • Air ports and fabric pots allow air to get to roots from the sides, resulting in significantly faster growth rates. The one downside is these pots need to be watered about twice as often because they dry out more quickly.
  • Pots that are too big for your plant tends to slow growth, especially young plants that get overwatered. Learn how to water a small plant in a big pot so it grows as fast as possible.
  • Too-small pots restrict plant roots and keep plants from growing as big as they could. Plants in big pots can get huge!
  • If possible, it helps to start plants in a smaller container and transplant to bigger ones after they’ve started growing vigorously.

What’s the optimal size for your final plant container?

A general guide is to have around 2 gallons per 12″ of the final desired height. Big plants often need a bit more. The following chart isn’t perfect since plants often grow differently, and some plants are short and wide instead of tall, but this is a good rule of thumb. If your final (desired) plant size is…

  • 12″ ~ 2-3 gallon container
  • 24″ ~ 3-6 gallon container
  • 36″ ~ 5-8 gallon container
  • 48″ ~ 7-10 gallon container
  • 60″ ~ 8-15+ gallon container

Go bigger if you plan to spend time away from your plants! Bigger root space gives you more of a buffer if plants need to be unattended for days at a time.

To be continued…

5 Surprising Signs of Overwatering-Part IV

Overwatering is a very troublesome problem. You need to combine many situations to judge whether your plants are overwatered. Today we would like to share with you how to water your plants perfectly, we will start with five aspects:

How to Water Plants Perfectly

This section breaks down good watering habits in a variety of different situations.


Don’t give more than 2-3 cups (500-750ml) of water at a time until plants are at least 2 weeks old. Typically seedlings need to be watered every 2-3 days. Every grow is a little different because plants drink more or less depending on how big they are, the environment (temperature/humidity/airflow), the grow medium, and the size/type of pots. However, most seedlings will do well with 2 cups (500ml) of water every 2 days for the first 2 weeks. However, this is a very general guideline. If the top of grow medium looks wet, wait an extra day or two to water. If the grow medium looks totally dry, either water more often or more at a time.

Big pot, small plant

Give just a little water at a time in a small circle around the base of the main stem. Once plants are bigger and drinking more, you can start fully watering them. The 2-2-2 rule from above should work for seedlings in a big pot (2 cups of water ever 2 days for the first 2 weeks after germination). After that, start giving a little more water at a time until you’re able to water plants thoroughly. We’ve found that plants often grow the fastest when you figure out the perfect amount of water that allows you to water every other day. 

Not sure whether to water? Pick up plant pots

When a grow medium is soaked with water, it feels as heavy as a brick. However, when soil or coco is dry, it becomes almost feather-light. That means if you pick up your plant and it feels surprisingly heavy for its size, you should wait a bit longer before watering (and possibly give less water at a time for now). If you pick up a plant and it feels surprisingly light, that means you should water plants today!

Watch topsoil

If the topsoil looks wet all the time, you probably should be watering less. Especially if you’re seeing fungus gnats, green algae, or the top looks hardened with divots where water is getting poured too often.

What to do with a too-thick grow medium

If your grow medium is extremely thick or muddy, you have two choices. You can either ride it out and hope for the best, or transplant plants to a better grow medium. If your plant seems to be getting better as it gets bigger, or if you find a different watering schedule that seems to stop the symptoms, you can probably skip transplanting. It’s possible to stunt plants during transplanting so you don’t want to do it if you don’t have to. But if plants are growing poorly despite you altering the watering schedule, you may have to give roots a new home or the plant won’t ever thrive.

If your grow medium is too thick, you can either transplant to a new grow medium or try to let plants adapt. The worse the grow medium, the more you should consider transplanting.

How to Water in Super Soil

If you’re growing in super soil (composted, organically amended grow medium), you don’t need to add any nutrients from seed to harvest. This is super convenient, but you must ensure you aren’t accidentally washing away extra nutrients. In a super soil setup, you’re trying to conserve all the nutrients. The beneficial microorganisms in the soil work together with roots to make sure plant is getting the exact right amount of nutrients at the right time, just like in nature. That means in super soil, you should almost never water plants until they get runoff out the bottom. Whenever runoff water is coming out the bottom, it’s draining away nutrients with it. You’re basically looking to water plant just enough to saturate the medium but none comes out the bottom.

Growing in super soil lets you go from seed to weed without adding any nutrients, but you must avoid overwatering to prevent nutrient deficiencies down the road.

When to Start Watering to Runoff

If you’re giving plants extra nutrients in your water, you may want to give enough water to get runoff out the bottom. This helps prevent nutrient buildup in the soil. However, watering to runoff when plants are too small is an easy way to cause the symptoms of overwatering. So when should you start watering to runoff? This guide will help.

Plants are big enough to water to runoff when they’re about this size…

  • 12″ (30cm) tall ~ 2-3 gallon container
  • 24″ (60cm) tall ~ 3-5 gallon container
  • 36″ (90cm) tall ~ 5-7 gallon container
  • 48″ (120 cm) tall ~ 6-10 gallon container
  • 60″ (150 cm) tall ~ 8-10+ gallon container

The type of plant container and grow medium make a difference, which is why the ranges overlap. A thicker grow medium needs to be watered less, while a well-draining or airy grow medium should be watered more. As far as plant pots, just remember that any container which lets air in from the sides (air pots, fabric pots, etc) need more water, more often. This is because water is constantly evaporating out the sides in addition to just being used up by the plant roots. In an air pot or fabric pot, start watering to runoff when plants are on the smaller side of the range. If your plants are in a hard-sided pot, wait until they’re a bit bigger to water to runoff.

What if my plant never gets that big? If your plants are in a big pot, or you’re growing very small plants, you may never need to water to runoff. In some cases, watering to runoff will cause the symptoms of overwatering even until harvest. In this situation, it’s up to you to watch the plant to ensure there’s no nutrient buildup in the grow medium.

When this happens, it kind of reminds us of growing in hydroponic setup because you’re basically treating the root ball like a nutrient reservoir.

How do you know whether to increase or decrease nutrient levels? If plants are getting dark green or showing nutrient burn, it means that you should lower the overall amount of nutrients in the water. If plants appear pale/lime green or lots of bottom leaves are yellowing and falling off, it means your plants want more nutrients overall. In that case, increase the overall nutrient levels in the water without changing the ratio.

How to water to runoff (Soil)

Once plants have reached a good size for their container, they’re ready to start getting watered with runoff. If you’re growing in soil, most plants have already used up the majority of nutrients by this point. That means if you haven’t been providing nutrients in the water yet, now is a great time to start.

  1. Wait until topsoil is dry up to first knuckle (alternative: wait until plant pot feels light to pick up)
  2. Water until you get about 10% extra runoff water out the bottom
  3. Remove runoff water
  4. Repeat

How to water to runoff (Coco)

In coco, you should be watering with nutrients from when plants are seedlings, so you never have to wonder when to start adding nutrients. However, coco-grown plants seem to want things to be just a bit wetter than soil-grown plants. Plants in coco don’t seem to react well to extensively drying out. That means you’ll typically end up watering a bit more often in coco than soil.

  1. Wait until top of coco appears mostly dry (with a few damp patches left) and pot doesn’t feel heavy
  2. Water until you get about 10% extra runoff water out the bottom
  3. Remove runoff water
  4. Repeat

You are now officially an expert on overwatering. You know all the crazy and surprising symptoms to look for when diagnosing your sick plant, and you also know how to water your plants perfectly every time. Congratulations!

5 Surprising Signs of Overwatering-Part III

Speaking of signs of overwatering, topsoil issues is something that you can’t ignore. We’ll also share with you the common causes of overwatering. Let’s read on:

5.) Topsoil issues

When it comes to diagnosing your sick plant, examining the topsoil can help you narrow down the possible problems. If you notice the following issues with your topsoil alongside any of the plant symptoms above, you can feel pretty confident that overwatering is your villian.

  • Fungus gnats
  • Green algae
  • Soil is constantly wet or waterlogged
  • Topsoil has turned solid
  • Indents or divots where water is getting poured heavily

Notice how the grow medium here looks completely soaked with green algae growing on top. Green algae only grows when topsoil is staying wet too long. That lets you know the problem is overwatering in this case without even looking at the symptoms on the plant itself.

Just like algae, fungus gnats can only live when the topsoil is staying wet for long periods of time. If you see fungus gnats (tiny black flies buzzing around the soil) it almost always means you’ve been overwatering the plants. If the plant has a bad infestation of fungus gnats, which may means it’s being overwatered. At this point, it’s hard to tell whether the fungus gnats or the overwatering is directly causing the symptoms, but the solution is the same: better watering habits.

It’s common for topsoil to look hard and almost solid if it’s staying too wet for too long. If you’re also seeing green algae and permanent deep divots/holes where the water is getting poured, you can feel pretty certain you’re overwatering.

Solution: How to Water Plants Perfectly

It’s common for these issues to be confused for something else. One of the things that can be difficult about diagnosing problems is that many symptoms can be caused by multiple different factors. For example, nutrient deficiencies can be caused by lack of nutrients, but also incorrect pH, bugs, overwatering, etc. Yet if you’re seeing droopiness alongside mysterious symptoms, especially with waterlogged topsoil, there’s a strong chance that watering habits may be the true culprit.

Before you can fix the issue, you have to identify exactly where you’re tripping up. “Overwatering” is a broad term that describes a situation with lots of water at the roots but not much oxygen. There are a few different ways to get there.

Common Causes of Overwatering

  • Watering too often
  • Watering too much at a time
  • Poor draining grow medium (dense, thick, muddy, etc.)
  • No drainage holes to release runoff water out the bottom
  • Letting plant sit in runoff water (always remove runoff after watering for the best results)
  • Poor transpiration (plant can’t efficiently evaporate water through the leaves). This prevents plants from “sucking up” water from the roots like a straw, and results in slow water uptake

Environment: Overwatering is More Likely When…

  • Weak grow lights – Plants just don’t drink as much under weaker lights. That means overwatering is more common with small grow lights.
  • Small plant, big pot – When plants are small, young, or unhealthy, they just don’t drink as much. When they’re in a container that’s much bigger than the size of their roots, it’s easy for them to drown because they use up all the oxygen and then roots are sitting in stagnant water. The best way to help these plants is give less water at a time until they’re bigger and drinking more.
  • Heat (above 85°F / 30°C) – In the heat, oxygen is less available at the roots. Keeping roots from getting too hot helps the plant better deal with heat. That’s part of why plants become more resistant to heat after they get bigger. The big plants help shade the roots from the grow light, and grow lights are typically further away because plants are taller. This combo prevents roots from heating up as much and plants just become more resistant overall.
  • Cold (below 70F) – In the cold, plants are evaporating less water from their leaves, which means they drink less, making it more likely for roots to stay too wet, too long. Roots especially hate being cold. Yeah, roots are kind of picky. Plants can thrive in much cooler ambient temperatures as long as you keep the roots relatively warm. For example, don’t let the roots sit directly on a cold basement floor. Keeping plants slightly up off a cold floor will help them handle a wider range of temperatures without slowing down.
  • Humid (above 65%) – Just like with cold, high humidity prevents water from evaporating properly from the leaves. That means plants are drinking less overall, which increases the chance of water hanging out too long at the roots.
  • Lack of Air Circulation – A slight breeze is good for your plants. Not only does a little airflow prevent hot spots and strengthen stems, but plants are also better able to evaporate water off their leaves. Gentle air movement also helps keep topsoil from staying wet for too long and can even offer some protection against bugs like fungus gnats and spider mites.

A perfect environment helps plants deal with a variety of root moisture levels without issue. In fact, nearly all environmental problems except low humidity (too dry) increase the chance of plants suffering from overwatering. Extremely dry air can cause slow or unhealthy growth, but it does help plants drink more quickly and water evaporate faster. You can still overwater plants when the air is too dry, but it’s a little less common.

To be continued…

5 Surprising Signs of Overwatering-Part II

Overwatering is one of the most common problems that cannabis growers encounter. We find out there are 5 surprising signs of overwatering, and the first one is the brown leaf edges we talked from the last blog. Read on to find out more signs:

2.) Yellowing or Bleaching

Overwatering prevents plants from conducting normal plant processes. A heavily overwatered cannabis plant (especially a young one) may start looking yellow all over from being overwatered. The yellowing can occur even when roots have access to nutrients and are given the right pH. Here is an example of an overwatered seedling that’s turned yellow all over.

Overwatering can also cause symptoms that look similar to light stress because you may see the top leaves close to the light are turning yellow. Although it looks like light stress (a sign the grow light is too close), the issue is actually that the plant isn’t able to move water and nutrients properly. The plant can’t keep up with the hardest-working leaves and they start turning yellow. If you know you’re keeping your grow lights the right distance away and are still seeing yellow top leaves, there’s a strong chance you’re actually dealing with a nutrient deficiency or a watering problem.

3.) Nutrient Deficiencies

Brown spots (leaf scorch) on leaves seems to be one of the more common symptoms of overwatering, yet this is commonly confused for a calcium deficiency. In addition to brown spots, it’s not uncommon to see other random deficiencies like potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Brown spots, burnt marks, and leaf scorch can be triggered by overwatering. These symptoms are commonly mistaken for a  calcium deficiency, ph problem, or light stress. In the following case, the symptoms always got worse after watering. The leaves curling up at the ends is another clue that this may be the result of overwatering or root issues.

Some symptoms appeared the day after the plant was heavily watered. In addition to the brown patches in between the veins, notice how the serrated edges of the leaves have brown spots, too (a sign of overwatering we covered already). Some yellowing leaf veins look like a nutrient deficiency, but overwatering is the actual cause (the extreme drooping is a major clue). This seedling also looks like it’s dealing with a nutrient deficiency. However, the thick muddy grow medium and overall droopiness indicate the issue is actually overwatering.

4.) Cupping or Curling

Sometimes the symptoms look a bit like heat stress (tipped edges, curling up or down, etc.). Since overwatering is relatively common with heat, this can keep you focused on the temperature when you should also be paying attention to watering habits.

Sometimes the leaf tips of plants curl up, this may be the result of overwatering combined with cold. Cold temperatures make it more likely for plants to suffer from overwatering because plants don’t drink as much. You can tell the brown tips are not nutrient burn (though it looks similar) because the browning appears in between the veins instead of just on the very leaf tip. The issue was also localized instead of all over the plant. That lets you know you’re looking at a nutrient deficiency as opposed to nutrient burn. Since this plant was receiving perfect nutrients and pH, that narrowed the problem down to overwatering. Once the plant stopped getting watered so much at a time, the leaves started growing green and healthy.

To be continued…

5 Surprising Signs of Overwatering-Part I

One of the most common problems that cannabis growers run into is overwatering their plants. Overwatering doesn’t mean you’re a bad grower. Growers over-water because they love their plants and want to give them everything. Unfortunately, sometimes we give them a little too much of a good thing. But don’t worry, your overwatering questions get answered today!

Drooping or wilting is the main symptom of overwatering. Plants droop when they have “wet feet” for too long. Yet overwatering can also cause a variety of other symptoms including yellowing, nutrient deficiencies, leaf spots, brown edges, curling, and more. The droopiness from overwatering is actually the result of a lack of oxygen at the roots, not from too much water. That’s why hydroponic plants can grow with roots directly in water as long as bubbles are constantly adding oxygen.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to pump oxygen into a waterlogged grow medium. Without any pockets of air to provide oxygen, roots start “drowning” when the soil or coco is totally drenched. This can result in a surprising number of different symptoms in addition to drooping because it completely disrupts water and nutrient flow through the plant. Although most plants get a bit droopy during their “night” period, leaves perk up at the beginning of the plant’s “day”. If your plant seems droopy right after lights come on, you know that you have a problem.

Besides droopiness, the symptoms from overwatering are often confused for other problems. This can be frustrating because you may be chasing solutions to other issues when the only answer is simply to water plants less often or less at a time. Sometimes overwatered plant is slightly droopy, but the more visible symptom is the yellowing on top leaves. The symptoms look a bit like bleaching from the grow light being too close or a potassium deficiency. It can be easy to ignore the drooping and focus on the other symptoms, but in this case, all the symptoms are actually the result of overwatering in a thick grow medium. Watering this plant less often with less water at a time solved the issue. After that, the plant started growing normally.

Overwatering is hands-down the most common reason grower’s plants run into problems, even if the symptoms seem unrelated. The following list will help you figure out whether your plant may be affected. If you see the following warning signs in combination with droopiness, there’s a strong chance you’re dealing with an overwatering problem. If these symptoms always seem to get worse soon after watering, you can feel almost certain that you’ve discovered the root of your problem…

5 Surprising Signs of Overwatering

1.) Brown Leaf Edges

When we first started growing cannabis we heard this symptom was nutrient burn  (too many nutrients), but since then we’ve learned nutrient burn typically only affects the tips of leaves as opposed to all the edges. We’ve also heard this is a calcium deficiency, but that looks more like brown patches or burns on the leaves themselves. We’ve peresonally found that spots on the serrated edges of leaves are often related to root problems or issues with water movement through the plant. Most commonly overwatering.

Overwatering can cause brown spots on the serrated edges of leaves, these brown leaf edges appeared after the plant was heavily watered. How can you tell the difference between brown leaf edges from overwatering vs nutrient burn? The burnt spots appear on different parts of the leaf.

To be continued…

The Importance of Light Controllability for Plant Growth-Part III

We have discussed the color effects on plant growth. Light spectra will affect plant growth in different ways depending on environmental conditions, plant species, etc. Typically, chlorophyll, the molecule in plants responsible for converting light energy into chemical energy, absorbs most light in the blue and red spectra—both of which are found in the peaks of the 400-700 nm PAR range—for photosynthesis.

Red Light

Phytochromes, which are the principal receptors for light in the red/far-red region of the spectrum (600–750 nm), play an essential role in regulating seed germination, the blooming cycle, root development, and shade avoidance. In green plants, light is a crucial factor in determining the establishment of an emergent seedling. Maximizing photosynthesis using supplementary lighting rich in the red/far-red spectral region during early development and/or under dense canopies can be critical for seedling survival.

Red light spectrum (600-700nm) is considered the most efficient at driving photosynthesis—especially in the flowering stage for biomass growth, which is particularly important to cannabis growers—as it’s highly absorbed by chlorophyll pigments. Red light wavelengths (particularly around deep red 660nm, since that’s where a plant senses bright sunlight exposure and its chlorophyll absorption peaks) encourage stem, leaf, and general vegetative growth—and especially the elongation of leaves and onset of flowers.

Far-red light spectrum (700-850 nm) can also affect plant growth; one way is by initiating a shade-avoidance response. From 730nm and beyond, there is a higher ratio of far-red to red light, and so if a plant detects “shade” from another plant or leaves higher up the canopy, then elongation of its own stems and leaves occurs.

Far-red can also promote flowering, and in certain plants, has been shown to increase fruit yield. In short-day plants like cannabis, which rely on longer periods of darkness, 730nm can be used at the end of a light cycle to promote flowering. Many growers are experimenting with interrupting the dark cycle with bursts of red light to boost growth and flowering.

Blue Light

Blue light spectrum (400-500 nm) is widely responsible for increasing plant quality, especially in leafy crops. It promotes the stomatal opening, which regulates a plant’s retention of water and allows more CO2 to enter the leaves. This can affect leaf movement, leading to flatter and expanded leaves, which results in a more efficient surface for light absorption.

Blue light also drives peak chlorophyll pigment absorption (peaking at 439 nm and 469 nm), required for photosynthesis. The 400-500 nm blue light spectrum is essential for seedlings and young plants during vegetative stages as they establish a healthy root and stem structure—and especially important for reducing stem stretching when necessary.

In addition, blue wavelengths affect phototropism (the orientation of the plant in response to light, either towards or away from the light source).

Broad Spectrum (White) Light

The ideal grow light spectrum for plants depends on several factors. In some crops, blue light can benefit nutritional levels and coloring, while a higher red to far-red ratio can help with leaf size and flowering. While red is generally the most responsive light spectrum for plants, it’s important to note that its efficacy really steps in when in combination with other PAR wavelengths. A balanced pairing with blue light is necessary to counteract any overstretching, like disfigured stem elongation. Certain plants (such as cannabis) use not only the 400-700 nm PAR-spectrum light for photosynthesis, but also the wavelengths outside of this range.

Individual light combinations should therefore be adjustable throughout the life of a plant to optimize desired traits. Broad spectrum white lighting—often referred to as full spectrum lighting—means the complete spectrum of light given by sunlight. This means that the wavelengths of broad spectrum lighting include not just the visible 380-740nm wavelength range (which we perceive as color), but also invisible wavelengths such as infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV). Effective broad spectrum light can help accelerate flowering, increase nutrition, and speed up the rate of growth.

By using full spectrum LEDs to select the exact quantities of red and blue light, chlorophyll pigments can absorb more of the light that they need. This means that when used strategically, bigger leaves and better flowering periods can occur without unnecessary stress.

Aokairuisi LED grow lights are available in various styles and sizes for a range of crop growing environments—whether indoor open-bed, indoor top light, vertical farming, or greenhouses. Here are some of the many benefits of Aokairuisi LED grow light solutions:

  • Superior PAR output, photon efficacy, and light uniformity;
  • Scientifically engineered spectrum for optimal PAR photon efficacy and plant growth;
  • Fully assembled, CE and UL listed, and durable industrial grade construction;
  • Enhanced crop yield and quality;
  • Total energy usage reduced by more than 50%;
  • More than 50000 hours lifetime, with no lamp changes;
  • Superior light delivery over the life of the fixture;
  • Dimmable for all phases of plant growth/production.

The Importance of Light Controllability for Plant Growth-Part II

For plant growth, two main reasons for controlling light are light uniformity and lower energy costs. Read on to find out more useful information:

Fine-Tuned Color Distribution 

Over the last century, scientists have observed how wavelengths, intensities, and photoperiods together shape plant output. Plant photoreceptor actions and their signaling components can influence growth at different developmental stages, and are therefore excellent targets for altering productivity and yield. Traditional lighting systems typically offer only binary on-off control; in other words, when they’re turned on, they emit the same spectral output for every plant, even if you’ve got different varieties in the same space and even if each variety receives a different cocktail of nutrients.

LED technology is however well suited for plant lighting applications, due to its full light spectrum capabilities. One of the biggest advantages of LED lighting is that it has highly customizable wavelength capabilities, without the cumbersome (and expensive) need to regularly change fixtures. LED grow lights can affect a plant’s physiology and morphology via the application of specific light wavelengths during specific times which are most appropriate for optimizing desired crop traits. For example, growers can now purchase horticultural LED fixtures that provide a narrow-band red and/or blue light to control certain plant traits (for example, supplemental far-red light used for cucumber vines to promote better stretching, or a mix of red and blue spectra for more compact lettuce plants), or a custom-designed broad-band white-light spectrum that maximizes photosynthesis and growth for most plants.

Product Quality

With the networking and control capabilities built into LED grow lights, horticulturalists and growers can craft proprietary light programs to optimize brightness and color distribution, and enhance individual characteristics of the plants that will make them most marketable.

LED technology enables light quality to be manipulated on a commercial scale, and creates opportunities to enhance crop quality through precise manipulation of the lighting regime—by influencing each crop variety’s size, yield, color, spread, and even taste.

Color Effects on Plant Growth

Grow light spectrum refers to the electromagnetic wavelengths of light produced by a light source to promote plant growth. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) is the range of electromagnetic radiation that plants use for photosynthesis (a wavelength range of 400 nm to 700 nm). The amount of PAR falling on an individual plant at any given second is defined as photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), measured as micromoles per square meter per second (μmol/m2/s). Note that a PPFD measurement taken below a light source will vary based on its distance from the plant, and is also based on the area of the space under consideration.

Plants perceive different wavelengths of light using distinct photoreceptors. Plants contain pigments that show an affinity to photons of particular wavelengths, and those photons in turn have different energy levels depending on the wavelength. Therefore, the spectral absorptance of the plant plays a critical role as to whether the measured PPFD value is effective in photosynthesis.

Plants have three primary photoreceptors that respond to different parts of the spectrum; the phytochrome pigment responds to the red and far-red part of the spectrum, cryptochrome responds to green and blue light, and phototropin responds to blue light—all controlling plant growth, gene expression, and the transition to flowering development in various ways. The existence of distinct photoreceptor families provides opportunities to selectively activate individual pathways, thereby precisely controlling overall development.

Unlike humans—who can only detect visible light spectrum wavelengths (380-740nm)—plants on the other hand can detect wavelengths which include visible light as well as beyond, such as UV and Far Red spectra. Light spectra will affect plant growth in different ways depending on environmental conditions, plant species, etc. Typically, chlorophyll, the molecule in plants responsible for converting light energy into chemical energy, absorbs most light in the blue and red spectra—both of which are found in the peaks of the 400-700 nm PAR range—for photosynthesis. Other spectra of light, like greens/yellows/oranges, are less useful for photosynthesis due to the amount of chlorophyll-b, absorbed largely from blue light, and chlorophyll-a, absorbed largely from red and blue light.

To be continued…

The Importance of Light Controllability for Plant Growth-Part I

One of the most critical challenges—whether for greenhouse managers or for horticulture aficionados—is to provide plants with enough photoperiodic sunlight for effective photosynthesis, so that they can grow optimally regardless of the geographical location and climate. Winter months even in supposedly warm-weather California can have a Daily Light Integral (DLI) of 10 to 20, which is insufficient for optimal plant growth. As a result, supplemental electric lighting is required in most cases to accelerate flower development, create hardier stems, increase chlorophyll content, and also increase leaf count.

Light acts as a key environmental signal and a critical source of energy for plant growth, with plants using light for both photosynthesis and development. Lighting parameters influence germination, seasonal and diurnal time sensing, plant stature, growth habits, and transition to flowering and fruit ripening. It is therefore important to control the quality, quantity, intensity, direction, duration, and wavelength of the light reaching the plants, in order to ensure effective growth, sustained development, and maximized crop productivity.

Main Reasons Why Controlling Light Is Vital for Plant Growth

Light Uniformity

Light uniformity refers to how evenly the light is distributed across a given growing area, and should be an important consideration—just as light intensity and quantity is—for all types of plant lighting installations. Light uniformity can regulate crop growth, plant development, flowering schedules, and water distribution. If the illumination system for a growing area is not designed to distribute the light in a uniform manner, the crops will dry out or develop at different rates depending on whether they are getting access to more or less light across the same area. If some plants receive more light than others and exhibit uneven growth patterns, that in turn can lead to uneven shading.

Light uniformity is affected by a number of factors, including (but not limited to) the light source used, the reflector design, the type of fixtures, the light distribution, beam angle, fixture quantity, fixture spacing (how close together they are), and the distance of the fixtures from the plants themselves.

A uniform blanket of light can be achieved by equipping the light fixtures with light bars, which can be easily arranged according to desired spacing to achieve effective intra-canopy light penetration. The luminaires with their source type (ideally LED) and light bars should be mounted at an optimum height and spacing—either via calculations or by following manufacturer recommendations—to deliver a uniform layer of light (without creating hazardous light intensity levels or hot spots) over the full plant canopy, even as the canopy grows and changes over time. These techniques will then translate into increased profits per harvest, and will maximize dry growth yields on a continuing basis.

Light uniformity also affects the efficiency of any prescribed nutrients, since plants receiving lower light annually (compared to the targeted average) will consume more nutrients or dry faster due to uneven water use, and that will reduce profits.

Lower Energy Costs

The electric lighting—used to either supplement the daylighting on the plants or act as their primary source of photosynthesis and development—can be a significant portion of the total energy use, and will impact your bottom line accordingly. In addition to the investment in the lighting system itself for optimal crop growing needs, it is important to choose a light source for not just its high output, but also for its maximized energy efficiency. The efficiency of the lighting system is also negatively impacted by the amount of heat it produces.

The ability of LEDs to produce a lot of light at low cost makes them the ideal lighting source for all kinds of horticulture and crop growth systems. The efficacy (lumens per watt) of LEDs has increased dramatically in the last decade, whereas the cost per lumen has decreased significantly at the same time. In addition, the small form factor of LEDs allows a wide variety of optics, reflectors and housings to be designed around them, enabling much more precise light generation with greater efficiency and at a lower cost.

The plants’ leaf surface temperature (LST) is very important to measure accurately, and is typically warmer than the ambient air temperature. A 75ºF ambient air temperature under HID (MH or HPS) systems generally leads to an LST of about 85º-88ºF. The higher energy efficiency of LEDs ensures that they are much cooler (irradiating much less heat) than their HID equivalents—resulting in the ambient air temperature becoming about 10º cooler than comparable HID lighting systems. Cooling costs are therefore typically lower when using LED fixtures, especially when integrated with automated controls and ventilation strategies. When the fixtures run cooler, less air conditioning is required for the space, less water gets evaporated due to excess heat, the plants will retain moisture better, and they will be protected from “light burns”. At the same time, the LST should measure the same regardless of whether the plant is being lighted by HID or LED systems. In order to enable optimized metabolic rates with the cooler-running LED systems, the temperature set point at the grow facilities should be raised by about 9°F to achieve the same optimal LST (about 82-85º for cannabis plants). LED systems can therefore further reduce cooling-associated costs by requiring warmer ambient growing conditions.

Since LEDs produce much less waste heat compared to HID lamps, they can be placed much closer to crop surfaces without the risk of overheating and related stress for the plants, while still ensuring uniform light distribution. This means that LED systems can be designed with a lot more flexibility—such as horizontal, vertical, multi-layer, intra-canopy, or inter-crop lighting layouts.

The unique energy-efficient features of LED enable innovative strategies that were hitherto not easy to achieve with traditional sources, and provide better uniformity, higher quality, and increased fruit yield for the growers.

To be continued…

Grow Better Tomatoes with Full-spectrum LED Grow Lights

Growing Tomatoes Indoors

Growing vegetables all year long can be quite a challenge, especially if you live in an area that doesn’t have “Summer” all the time. For hobbyist tomato farmers and commercial tomato growers, lighting is one of the main components.

Tomatoes need at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day. This sunlight can be natural or artificial. In most locales, artificial lighting will be necessary to meet the 8 hours of daylight for tomatoes to be grown year-round.

Not all artificial light is created equal

Fluorescent – less expensive, at least initially.
These types of grow lights are generally less costly than other types. However, fluorescent light fixtures don’t provide the sun-replicating full spectrum light needed for tomato plants. Not only will this choice of fixture yield fewer tomatoes, but it will also consume more energy and investment when the bulbs need replacing.
HID (high-intensity discharge) – better yield than fluorescent but energy-hungry heat machines.
There are two subcategories in the HID grow light (HPS – high-pressure sodium; MH – metal halide), and because they provide only one color in the spectrum, both kinds are required at different stages of a plant’s growth cycle.  Switching requires a redundant set of fixtures or changing the bulbs when the crop enters a new growth stage. These lights are powerful and require specific rigging and fixtures. HID bulbs need replacing more frequently, which adds to the overall cost. 
LED Grow Lights – worth the investment.
LED grow lights are more cost-efficient in the long run since they use the least amount of electricity. Because they don’t burn a gas to create heat, they are much cooler than fluorescent or HID. The light wavelengths are fuller and contain both red and blue lights, yielding more tomatoes per plant. These fixtures utilize light emitting diodes and require little to no maintenance over the course of a long service life.

LED Grow Lights – looking deeper

LED Grow lights with higher color temperatures (5000-6500K) provide the full light spectrum and promote all vegetative growth stages. Grow lights with lower color temperatures (2500-3000K) encourage flowering and are often used when the plant develops fruit. Tomatoes need both red and blue light to grow and produce fruit.
Blue Spectrum Light 
Blue light is vital for the vegetative phase of the tomato plants, during which they grow their leaves and stems. It also increases the mass and yield of tomato plants, but excess blue light causes the plant to be counterproductive. Tomato plants grown exclusively under blue light causes a reduction in photosynthesis.
Red Spectrum Light
Tomatoes need more red light than blue light. Red light is used more efficiently by tomato plants, and they need a large quantity of it during the flowering growth period. Tomatoes depend on the red light for the amount and quality of their flowers. Red light instills tomato plants to become more resistant to disease and environmental stress.
When growing tomatoes under full-spectrum lighting, make sure the red-light ratio is higher than the blue light. Remember that the “full-spectrum” of lighting mimics the sun’s natural lighting, and healthy tomatoes need the full artificial spectrum of light.

Indoor Growing in All Four Seasons

Cannabis is a very temperature-sensitive plant. Growing cannabis year-round in areas with seasonal temperature changes requires an indoor operation. There are also additional considerations for growers who intend to maintain an active crop throughout the year.

Choosing Cannabis Seeds

  1. There are many strains of cannabis seeds from which to choose. Deciding what your main objective is will narrow the choice down. If you are growing cannabis for medical benefits, select strains with CBD compounds? Suppose you are growing cannabis for recreational products. In that case, you want seeds with high THC compounds.
  2. When growing cannabis in colder temperature areas, consider what seeds/strains do best in colder temperatures. Most plants, in general, can’t survive long when grown in colder temperatures outdoors. Ideal temperatures for cannabis are between 72-86˚F (22-30˚C). The lowest possible temperatures you should expose cannabis plants to is 59˚F (15˚C). Anything below that will likely kill it, and the lowest acceptable temperatures can stunt their growth.

Why use cannabis strains that thrive in cooler temps during the winter or in colder climates?

Growing cannabis all year long can be a challenge. Cannabis may be a “weed,” but it is very particular to temperatures and light. Investing in cannabis strains that thrive in colder temperatures increases the grower’s profit margin by not running the heat as high as other cannabis strains.

How does lighting affect cannabis in colder temperatures?

If you are growing in a greenhouse and utilizing natural light, you will need to supplement with artificial lighting. When colder temperatures/seasons come, it usually brings with it a decrease in daily natural sunlight.

Lighting is essential to cannabis in all stages of life. Imitating the natural spectrum of sunlight is very important whether growing in a greenhouse or indoors. LED grow lights emit the full spectrum of light for plants, thus emulating natural sunlight.

Full-spectrum LED grow lights can be controlled to emit more or less of one color in the spectrum than another. Managing the light spectrum, the height of which the fixtures are suspended above the canopy, and the length of time the lights stay on will contribute to healthy plants and a good harvest.

Energy-efficient LED grow lights lower overhead costs and provide different wavelengths that improve plant growth during all development stages. Red wavelength light is helpful for plants who need help with flowering and fruiting, while blue wavelength is necessary for foliage growth.

Is supplemental heating needed for growing cannabis in colder temperatures?

Yes, supplemental heating is necessary for growing cannabis in colder temperatures. Whether you are in a greenhouse or indoors, you will need heat sources and fans. Heat sources usually are not enough to circulate the heat around your enclosure to make it more evenly temperate. Placing fans in various areas to move the heat around will make the climate inside your growing facility more consistent, and it will help eliminate extra humidity and cold.

Having thermostats (that automatically control the heat and fans) in several places in your growing rooms to monitor temperatures will ensure that the plants won’t freeze. Because plants are full of water and other fluids, freezing becomes deadly. Water quickly expands when ice crystals form, rupturing within the plants’ cells.