LED Grow Light

Growing Weed in an Apartment 5 Tips-Part II

If you want to grow weed in an apartment, what should you do ? According to our last blog, you will need to: 1) check the terms of your lease; 2) take preventative measure; 3) prepare soundproof walls; 4) choose a suitable strain. Read on to find out more information :

5. Consider the growing space

There are several options for weed growing in an apartment: grow tents, wardrobes or grow boxes.

Wardrobes or closets are perhaps the first choice for growers considering a stealth grow. They offer privacy from curious flatmates, are often already in the room, and can be easily adapted with Mylar to optimize lighting.

Wardrobes, however, can be problematic in terms of controlling temperature, airflow, and humidity. Installing an effective exhaust/ ventilation system is a must.

Grow tents are also a popular choice and are available in a wide array of styles and sizes, often for very reasonable prices. They are usually straightforward to set up and are designed for apartment growing – a significant plus point. Grow tents are ideal at preventing the damage that often occurs in closet grows – water spills, damp etc. And they are also brilliant at preventing light leaks!

If this is your first time at growing weed, grow boxes are highly recommended. These compact grow spaces are usually supplied with virtually everything you need to grow marijuana – even hydroponics. Cost-effecting and time-saving, investing in a grow box takes away the uncertainty so you can look forward to the enjoyment of raising your first weed crop.

The don’ts for growing marijuana in your apartment

  • Use traditional HPS lights
  • Control humidity

Use traditional HPS lights

We recommend using the latest generation of LEDs if you’re growing in a flat. They are much quieter than other types of lights, so make it less likely your secret garden will be discovered. Growing weed with LED is also an economical choice with lower electricity cost and make it easier to control heat levels as they produce hardly any heat.

LEDs don’t shine as brightly as traditional HPS lights, so are less noticeable when glimpsed by a neighbor.

Control humidity

High humidity can lead to mildew or mold, which can quickly destroy your crop. Ventilation, as mentioned previously, is essential to keep the air moving and allow the plants to create. Many growers use a humidifier to lower moisture levels in the air. Invest in a hygrometer to remove any uncertainty. As a rule of thumb, humidity levels should be 50 – 70 percent during the vegetative phase and 50 – 60 percent during the flowering season.

Final words

It has never been so easy to grow in an apartment, especially with the convenience of online stores. Choose the right variety, use a grow box, and you should be able to cultivate a good harvest of delicious weed without worrying about losing your deposit or even eviction.

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